From May 28 to May 30, 2025, the 11th International Conference INCOBOZ will be held at the MERIDIANA Resort, located in the spa town of Bojnice. For participants who cannot attend the conference in person, a special online live stream will be available.

The aim of the INCOBOZ conference is to present new trends, preventive measures, and experiences in occupational health and safety (BOZP) and to promote health protection.

We thank everyone who decides to support our conference.

Conference Registration

Partners INCOBOZ 2024

speakers at incoboz 2024

William Cockburn

Výkonný riaditeľ EU-OSHA

MUDr. Mgr. Tatiana Červeňová, MPH, MHA

Hlavný hygienik SR, UVZ SR

Ing. Marek Mitterpák, PhD.

generálny riaditeľ NIP SR

Ing. Vladimír Vránsky

Prezident SEZ-KES

Ladislav Kerekeš

Národné kontaktné miesto EU-OSHA v SR

prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay DrSc.

Poradca štátneho tajomníka MH SR pre vodík

Ing. Ján Donič, MBA

Predseda, Spoločná vízia, o.z., konateľ, BOZPO, s.r.o.

Tim Tregenza

Senior network manager, EU-OSHA

Ing. Jiří Macíček

Náměstek generálního inspektora, Státní úrad inspekce práce ČR

PaedDr. Danica Lehocká, PhD.,

Poradkyňa ministra práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny, Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny SR

por. Mgr. Martin Senčák

Riaditeľ, Orgán pre bezpečnostnú certifikáciu, Národný bezpečnostný úrad

Ing. Martin Melecký

generální inspektor SÚIP ČR

Ing. Karol Habina

Predseda redakčnej rady odborného časopisu Bezpečná Práca

Ing. Ondřej Varta, PhD.

Vedoucí Úseku inspekce BOZP, Státní úřad inspekce práce ČR

Ing. Martin Mada

Riaditeľ, Inšpektorát práce Nitra

MUDr. Marie Šťastná

Pracovný lekár, Národné referenčné centrum pre fyziológiu práce (RÚVZ Bojnice)

Ing. Vladimír Lipovský, PhD., MBA

Prokurista, Riaditeľ úseku služieb, Certifikačný a inšpekčný orgán SR, s.r.o.

Ing. Albert Mello

Člen združenia Spoločná vízia, o.z.

Ing. Martin Demčák, PhD.

Riaditeľ BOZP, Slovnaft, a.s.

Bc. Jozef Kuco

vedúci SW oddelenia,
BOZPO, s.r.o.

Ing. Marek Rolinec, PhD., MBA

Riaditeľ BOZP, OLO, a.s.

Zoznam prednášateľov sa bude predbežne dopĺňať.

Live Streaming of the Conference

For participants who cannot attend in person, a live stream of the conference is available at a 50% discount off the participation fee. The live stream will be broadcast on the YouTube platform, and each participant will receive a login link the day before the conference.

To register for the online format of the conference, please send your details to


Basic Information

The 11th edition of the international BOZP conference – INCOBOZ 2025 is organized by the civic association Spoločná vízia and BOZPO, s.r.o. Prievidza.

The aim of the INCOBOZ conference is to present new trends, preventive measures, and experiences in occupational health and safety (BOZP) and to promote health protection. Experts in workplace safety from Slovakia and abroad will attend the INCOBOZ conference.


The INCOBOZ 2025 international conference is aligned with the VISION ZERO campaign. This campaign was introduced at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Singapore. Vision Zero promotes a comprehensive prevention strategy and a safe future for all, free from fatal or serious work-related injuries, occupational diseases, and traffic accidents. The goal of the Vision Zero campaign is to mobilize and inspire renewed and voluntary engagement from decision-makers, employers, corporate leaders, managers, and health professionals to ensure safety and health for all people at the workplace through a series of simple principles.


Want to Become a Partner and Present at INCOBOZ 2025?

Contact us.

The conference is organized by: